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The workshop will be held at the Lecture Hall Center ("Hörsaalzentrum") of the Medical University of Graz, located at the Landeskrankenhaus Universitätsklinikum Graz.

Lecture Hall D -  Lecture Hall Centre (Hörsaalzentrum)
Medical University of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 15, 8036 Graz, Austria

Workshop Venue - Lecture Hall map

Event Locations

Getting here

  • Tram Line Nr. 7 - towards LKH / Med Uni - get out at the station St. Leonhard / Klinikum Mitte
  • Bus Nr. 64 - towards Stifting - get out at St. Leonhard / Klinikum Mitte
  • Bus Nr. 41 - towards St. Leonhard/LKH - get out at terminal station St. Leonhard/LKH

The distance from the city center to the hospital is approximately 2.5 km and 30 min to walk.


Directions:  google maps location
Map of the  hospital buildings (PDF).