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Department of Neurology
Neuroimaging Research Unit
Medical University of Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 22, Room OG36
8036 Graz, Austria

Phone: +43 316 385-13247
Fax: +43 316 385-16808 
email: christian.langkammer(at)medunigraz.at



2017 -  Associate Professor, Medical University of Graz, Austria
2015 - 2017 Assistant Professor, Medical University of Graz, Austria
2013 - 2015 Postdoctoral fellow at the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
2008 - 2012 PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria
2008 Research stay at FMRIB, Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford, UK
2007 Internship at Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ, USA
2001 - 2007 MSc in Biomedical Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria

Research interests

Iron mapping in multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
High-resolution diffusion imaging
Postmortem MRI
Quantitative susceptibility mapping
Temperature mapping in the brain

Research Grants

ERC Consolidator Grant WhatsMRI ( Elemental and Structural Composition underlying Brain MRI)
FWF End-to-End Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (Grant number P35887)
FWF Postmortem Validation of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (Grant number P30134)
FWF Longitudinal Susceptibility Mapping in Alzheimer´s Disease (Grant number KLI523)

Representative publications

** Soellradl M, Strasser J, Lesch A, Stollberger R, Ropele S, Langkammer C.
Adaptive slice-specific z-shimming for 2D spoiled gradient-echo sequences. 
Magn Reson Med. 2020 Sep 10. doi: 10.1002/mrm.28468.   Pubmed

** Damulina, A; Pirpamer, L; Soellradl, M; Sackl, M; Tinauer, C; Hofer, E; Enzinger, C; Gesierich, B; Duering, M; Ropele, S; Schmidt, R; Langkammer, C
Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Assessment of Brain Iron Level in Alzheimer Disease Using 3-T MRI. 
Radiology. 2020; 192541-192541   Pubmed

** Soellradl, M; Lesch, A; Strasser, J; Pirpamer, L; Stollberger, R; Ropele, S; Langkammer, C
Assessment and correction of macroscopic field variations in 2D spoiled gradient-echo sequences. 
Magn Reson Med. 2020; 84(2):620-633   Pubmed

** Langkammer, C; Schweser, F; Shmueli, K; Kames, C; Li, X; Guo, L; Milovic, C; Kim, J; Wei, H; Bredies, K; Buch, S; Guo, Y; Liu, Z; Meineke, J; Rauscher, A; Marques, JP; Bilgic, B
Quantitative susceptibility mapping: Report from the 2016 reconstruction challenge. 
Magn Reson Med. 2018; 79(3):1661-1673   Pubmed

** Milovic, C; Tejos, C; Acosta-Cabronero, J; Özbay, PS; Schwesser, F; Marques, JP; Irarrazaval, P; Bilgic, B; Langkammer, C
The 2016 QSM Challenge: Lessons learned and considerations for a future challenge design. 
Magn Reson Med. 2020; 84(3):1624-1637   Pubmed

** Birkl, C; Soellradl, M; Toeglhofer, AM; Krassnig, S; Leoni, M; Pirpamer, L; Vorauer, T; Krenn, H; Haybaeck, J; Fazekas, F; Ropele, S; Langkammer, C 
Effects of concentration and vendor specific composition of formalin on postmortem MRI of the human brain. 
Magn Reson Med. 2017  Pubmed

** Ropele, S; Langkammer, C
Iron quantification with susceptibility.
NMR Biomed. 2017; 30(4): e3534  Pubmed

** Langkammer, C; Pirpamer, L; Seiler, S; Deistung, A; Schweser, F; Franthal, S; Homayoon, N; Katschnig-Winter, P; Koegl-Wallner, M; Pendl, T; Stoegerer, EM; Wenzel, K; Fazekas, F; Ropele, S; Reichenbach, JR; Schmidt, R; Schwingenschuh, P
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Parkinson's Disease. 
PLoS One. 2016; 11(9):e0162460-e0162460 Pubmed

** Langkammer, C; Bredies, K; Poser, BA; Barth, M; Reishofer, G; Fan, AP; Bilgic, B; Fazekas, F; Mainero; C; Ropele, S
Fast Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping using 3D EPI and Total Generalized Variation.
Neuroimage. 2015 May 1;111:622-30  PubMed 

** Langkammer, C; Ropele, S; Pirpamer, L; Fazekas, F; Schmidt, R
MRI for Iron Mapping in Alzheimer's Disease.
Neurodegener Dis. 2014;13(2-3):189-91  PubMed

** Langkammer, C; Liu, T; Khalil, M; Enzinger, C; Jehna, M; Fuchs, S; Fazekas, F; Wang, Y; Ropele, S
Quantitative susceptibility mapping in multiple sclerosis.
Radiology. 2013; 267(2):551-9 PubMed 

** Langkammer, C; Schweser, F; Krebs, N; Deistung, A; Goessler, W; Scheurer, E; Sommer, K; Reishofer, G; Yen, K; Fazekas, F; Ropele, S; Reichenbach, JR
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) as a means to measure brain iron? A post mortem validation study.
Neuroimage. 2012; 62(3):1593-9 PubMed

** Langkammer, C; Krebs, N; Goessler, W; Scheurer, E; Yen, K; Fazekas, F; Ropele, S
Susceptibility induced gray-white matter MRI contrast in the human brain.
Neuroimage. 2012; 59(2):1413-1419 PubMed

** Langkammer, C; Krebs, N; Goessler, W; Scheurer, E; Ebner, F; Yen, K; Fazekas, F; Ropele, S
Quantitative MR imaging of brain iron: a postmortem validation study.
Radiology. 2010; 257(2):455-462 PubMed


Publications in Pubmed (term=Langkammer C[Author])