About usLocated in the Department of Neurology, the neuroimaging research unit brings together a group of scientists, committed to the advancement of knowledge and development of MRI. Because of the fact that successful MRI research needs the incorporation of multiple disciplines, our members have a background in mathematics, physics or biomedical engineering. |
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Mission statementOur mission is to develop and implement new MRI techniques for characterizing and modeling brain tissue. With the application of these techniques in a clinical setting we want to improve our understanding of specific inflammatory and neurodegenerative brain diseases including multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We also provide state-of-the-art MRI methodologies and expertise for in vivo and postmortem MRI studies to other research groups. |
Christian received an ERC Consolidator Grant for WhatsMRI - Elemental and Structural Composition underlying Brain MRI.
Christians' paper about Interpretable brain disease classification and relevance-guided deep learning is now online in Scientific Reports.
Edith's paper about Heritability of R2* iron in the basal ganglia and cortex is now online in Aging.
Two papers about QSM reconstruction challenge 2.0: A realistic in silico head phantom for MRI data simulation and evaluation of susceptibility mapping procedures and QSM reconstruction challenge 2.0: Design and report of results are now online in MRM.
Martin's paper about Adaptive slice-specific z-shimming for 2D spoiled gradient-echo sequences is now online in MRM.
Anna's paper about
Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Assessment of Brain Iron Level in Alzheimer Disease Using 3-T MRI is now online in Radiology.
Also featured as
RSNA Podcast.
Martin's paper about Correction of macroscopic field variations in GRE sequences is now online in MRM.
Christoph's papers about QSM, brain iron and myelin are now published in Neuroimage and AJNR.
Johannes' paper about MR elastography of the human brain using a multiphase DENSE acquisition is available in MRM.
Carlos Milovic (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) has been awarded an ISMRM Research Exchange Grant and will join our team in September!
Christoph was awarded an Erwin Schrödinger fellowship - Congratulations!
Stefan and Christian received funding for their MRI research projects ( I3001 and P30134) from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
Christoph received the "Best poster Award" at the 4th International Workshop on MRI Phase Contrast & Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Our research project "Fast QSM for Alzheimer's disease" received the HTI:Human-Technology-Interface Award.
We hosted the 4th International Workshop on MRI Phase Contrast & Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Graz.
"DerStandard" published articles about our research: derStandard - "Grazer MRT-Entwicklung untersucht Gehirn in Rekordzeit" and derStandard - Mentales Rosten.
The magazine "UNIZEIT" featured our research project in cooperation with the Institute of Physics: UNIZEIT - Rost im Kopf ("the rusty brain").
Die Seite wurde am 15-01-2025 14:28 von Christian geändert